Getting to know the staff…

Hello again everybody…

So I thought like all good people in power I ought to get to know the new staff a little bit today. I still cannot tell you much about the shadow outside the door but, it also makes sniffing noises, and appears fairly regularly blocking some of my light, I am sure I will figure that out soon!

Anyway, the new staff are quite friendly and appear to be fairly attentive to their duties. One of them dragged me out of my cupboard again this morning to show me where my food, water and litter tray were.

It was the big one that came in first, I think he is the boy… Anyway, he was nice to me so I thought I would get to know him better by exploring him. He is quite easy to climb with my tiny pin like claws…


The other staff, the girl is also easy to climb, although she does make a lot of noise as I claw my way up her. Anyway, she is less trigger happy with her camera, so does not have a picture I can use to put up on here yet, I have had a word with her about her performance, and there will be one soon!

Anyway, I think I will like them once I get used to them, so I will probably keep them. As this is the case, I have reminded them that Cats were worshiped as Gods by the ancient Egyptians and we are not ready to forget it yet.

I am still confused about this name thing, I am now called, Monroe, Fleebag and Pocket Rocket!

Sleepy again now, its a hard life… Eat, sleep, play, use the tray and repeat.



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